Wednesday, May 4, 2011

gym tips of deltoids point

·      One-Arm side cable laterals
Purpose of exercise: TO isolate THE SIDE HEAD OF THE DELTOIDS.
This movement, which was a favorite of Sergio Oliva, helps ring out definition in the shoulders, and works the side and rear deltoids heads together.
Execution: (1) stand upright with your arm down beside you holding on to a handle attached to a floor

level pulley. Place you other hand on your hip. (2) Keeping your arm straight, lift it up in an area in one smooth motion until it is higher than your arm back to your thigh. Finish you repetitions, and then repeat using the other arm.    
·      Seated One-Arm cable laterals
Purpose of exercise: TO DEVELOP THE REAR DELTOIDS.
Isolating and flexing the teat deltoids when reaching the top position of the cable lateral
Execution:(1) sitting on a stool or low bench, take hold of a handle attached to a floor level pulley in such a way that your arm is fully extended across the front of your body.
(2) Keeping your body as still as possible, pull the handle across and up until. 
·      Reverse overhead dumbbell laterals
This exercise, a favorite of the bodybuilders, also helps to develop the traps.
Execution: (1) take a dumbbell each hand, that extend of arms straight out to your side, palms turned up. Slowly lift your arms up and trying them together overhead. Your arms do not to be locked out on top. Your body steady during contrite moment. From top, lower the dumbbells slowly down to the staring position.