Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the movement of our limbs. It is the only means to be healthy. Physical exercise makes the body strong and keeps it fit for work. A man with a sound health can enjoy his life. So, all of us should take and proper physical exercise.

Physical exercise is necessary. Because, the mind and the body are interrelated. So goes a maxim, “A sound mined body”. A man with a sound health can undergo a hard labors at any moment. A man with an unsound health gets tried. He becomes inactive. Physical exercise is necessary for an essay movement of our limbs. Blood of the body gets well circulated by dint of exercise. So to enjoy a sound health, physical exercise is must.

There are different kinds of exercise. They are waking, swimming, riding etc. beside, running, gymnastics, wrestling, weight lifting etc. are also good forms of exercise. The game of cricket football, volleyball, hockey, tennis, badminton etc. are quite good exercise. All kinds of exercise don’t suit to all ages. For example, an old man can’t swim. So swimming is not a suitable exercise for him. Morning walk is suitable for the old men, so, we should take such exercise as is suitable for us.

We should remember that excess of anything is bad. Thus over exercise is very injurious to health. It tells upon our health. It weaker our body and mind. It dose more harm then good. So, all should abide by the laws of physical exercise
Everyone should take a physical exercise that suits him most. With a view to enjoying a sound health we should remember a maxim—“After dinner rest a while. After supper walk mile. learn more from Wikipedia

1 comment:

Ariful Islam said...

Nice post for Physical exercise.......with ENTERTAINMENT