Friday, May 27, 2011

easy bodybuilding

Reverse curls on a machine

This movement works the forearm muscles all the way to their origin at the elbow. In addition to flexing the wrist, you also hit the forearm although machines are designed with limited functions, a little though and imagination will allow you to get the maximum benefit from their use. For example, by reversing your grip on a curl machine, you can perform very strict reverse curls. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Barbell wrist curls

 Purpose of exercise: TO DEVELOP THE INSIDE (FLEX-OR MUSCLES) OF THE FOREARMS. Heavy barbell curls make the forearms work very hard, but wrist curls allow you to more fully isolate these muscles. Execution: you take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip, hands close together. Straddle a bench with your forearms resting on the bench but with your wrists and hands hanging over the end, elbows and wrists the same distance apart. Look your knees in against your elbows to stabilize them. (2) Bend your wrists and lower the weight toward the floor. When you can’t lower the bar any further carefully open your fingers a little bet and let the weight roll down out of the palms of your hands. Roll the weight back up into your hands, contract the forearms, and lift the weight as high as you can without letting your forearms came up off the bench. Forearms like calves, need a lot of stimulation to make them rears bum.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Incline dumbbell curls

This exercise develops mass and biceps peak at the same time. If you do the movement to the front, it is a general biceps exercise. If you do it you do it to the outside, it becomes a specialized exercise for the inner part of the biceps.   

Execution: (1) sit back on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in each hand. (2) Keeping your elbows well forward throughout the movement, curl the weights forward and up to shoulder level. Lower the weights again, fully under control, and pause at the bottom to keep from using momentum, to swing the weights up on the next repetition. I find I get the best results with this

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cheat Curls

Purpose of exercise: To develop extra mass and power in the biceps

Execution: stand and hold the bar as for barbell curls, but use enough weight so that it becomes difficult to do more than just a few strict repetitions. At this point, you begin in swing the weight the weight up using your back and shoulders to help your arms. To keep your biceps working as hard as they can, and clear only enough to keep the waist. I like to combine barbell curls and cheat curls doing a normal set up curls and when my arms are too tried to do any more strict repetitions loading on extra weight and doing some cheat curls to really blast the biceps.  

gym tips of deltoids 05

·     Front dumbbells raises
This exercise not only works the front head of these deltoids through its area range of motion, but helps to create reparation between the deltoids and the pectoral muscles. It can be done either branding of position.
Execution: stand with a dumbbell in each hand, hold slightly away from you against the front of the thighs. (1) left one weight out and up in a wide are until it is higher than the top of your head. (2) Lower the weight  under control while simultaneously lifting, the other weight, so that both arms are in motion at the same time and the dumbbells pass each other at a point in front of your face. In order to work the front head of the deltoids directly, make certain that the dumbbells pass in front of your face rather than out to the side. To do this same movement with a barbell, grasp the bar with, an overhand grip, let at hang, down at arms, length in front of you, and with arms kept looked, lift it to a point just higher than your head, staying as street as possible then lower it again under control.
Variation: do front raises in a seated position for a stricter movement, since you can’t use your body to cheat on the lifts.    

gym tips of deltoids point

·      One-Arm side cable laterals
Purpose of exercise: TO isolate THE SIDE HEAD OF THE DELTOIDS.
This movement, which was a favorite of Sergio Oliva, helps ring out definition in the shoulders, and works the side and rear deltoids heads together.
Execution: (1) stand upright with your arm down beside you holding on to a handle attached to a floor

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Standing lateral raises

Execution: (1) Take a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward slightly, and bring the weight together in front of you at arm’s length. Start each repetition from a dead stop to keep yourself from swinging the weight up. (2) Lift the weights out and up to either side, turning your wrists side m turning your wrists slightly( as if pouring water out of a pitcher) so that the rear if the dumbbell is higher than the front (this helps to involve the rear head or the deltoids). Lift the weights to a point slightly higher than your shoulders, then lower them slowly, resisting all the way down. (A common mistake with this movement is to rock back and forth and swing the weights up instead of lifting them with the deltoids. Doing this cut down on the effectiveness of the movement and should be avoided.) 
Variation: you may have a tendency to cheat a little when doing standing lateral Raises. However, this can be avoided if the same exercise is done in a seated position.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Machine presses

Purpose of exercise: TO TRAIN THE SHOULDERS.
Doing presses on a machine helps you to do the movements very strictly, and allows you to avoid clearing a weight if you to avoid cleaning a weight if you have some sort of physical problem. Also, you can let the weight come down much lower, which gives you extra stretch in   your front delts. There are any numbers of machines on which you can do a shoulder press movement (Universal, nautilus, smith) but the principle remains the same.

Military press of shoulder

Purpose of exercise: to train the front deltoids.

This is the granddaddy of shoulder of exercise. When done from a seated position the movement will be stricter then when standing. so you can us military press of shoulder.

Execution: (1) From a sitting or standing position, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip and hold it at shoulder level, palms underneath for support hands about shoulder width apart, elbows lucked in and under.

(2) From a position about even with the collarbone, lift the bar strain up overhead until your arm are locked out, being carafe to keep the weight back to the starting position.   

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dumbbell presses of shoulder exercise


Purpose of exercise: To train the front deltoids.

This exercise may seem to be similar to barbell presses of various kinds, but there is important difference, the most significant being the greater rang of motion you get using the dumbbells.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Standing Barbell Curls


This is the most basic and popular of biceps exercises.

Execution: (1) Stand with feet a few inches apart and grasp the bar with an underhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang width at arm’s length in front of you. (2) Curl the bar out and up in a wide are and bring it up as high as you can, your elbows close to the body and stationary. Keep the wide and long, rather then bringing the bar outright up and making the movement too easy. Get a full flex of biceps at the top. Lower the same are and resisting the weight all the wav down until you arms are fully extended. A small amount of body movement in this exercise is acceptable, because it is a mass-building movement, but this is to be kept to a minimum unless you are doing deliberate Cheat curls. Bending toward and leaning back cut down on the range of motion.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Incline dumbbell presses

Purpose of exercise: To develop the upper pectoral muscles.
You can very the angle of the incline bench, the more upright the bench, the more you work the upper pecs.

Execution: Take dumbbell in each hand and back on an incline bench. (1) Clean the dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height, palms facing forward. (2) Lift them simultaneously straight up overhead, then lower them back to the starting position. As a       variation, you can begin with palms facing one another and twist as you lift so that the palms face forward at the top then twist them back to the starting position as you lower the dumbbells. You can vary the angle at which you tram from workout to workout, or from set up set in the same workout. If you do the latter, being at a steep incline and work downward toward a

Reverse wrist curls with barbell



Execution: grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Lay your thighs so that they are parallel to the floor and your wrist and hands are free and unsupported. Bend your wrists forward and lower the bar as far as you can. (2)Then bring them back up and haft the bar as far as possible, trying not to let the forearms move during the exercise

Behind-the-Back wrist Curl


This is a real power exercise for the forearm flexing, and you can go for the heaviest possible weight.

Execution: (1) back up to a barbell rack and grasp a bar. Lift it off the rack and hold it down at arms lends about shoulder width apart, palms facing toward the rear. Keeping your arms steady, open your fingers and let the bar roll down out of your palms. Close your fingers, roll the bar back up into your hands, and 

Reverse preacher bench barbell curls

Purpose of exercise: To isolate & develop the outside head of the biceps and forearm extensors.

As with any preacher bench curl, this exercise is designed to be done strictly to crate shape rather than mass.

Execution :( 1) Position yourself with your arms extended over a preacher bench.
Grasp a barbell with an overhead grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang so that your arms are fully extended. (2)Curl the bar upward beginning the movement with a curling motion of the wrist, and 

Reverse barbell curls


Purpose of exercise: To develop the outside head of the biceps and the forearm extensors.
(1)Grasp a barbell a barbell with an overhead, grip, hands about   shoulder width apart. Then the bar hangs down at arms length in front of you. (2) Keeping your elbows fixed in position at your sides curl the bar upward, beginning the movement with a curling motion of the wrist. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dumbbell one arm wrist curls


 Purpose of exercise: To isolate and develop the forearms.
This is a variation of wrist curls that allows you to isolate one forearms at a time.

Execution: Takes holds of a dumbbell and sit on a bench. Lean forward and place your forearm on your thigh so that your wrist and the weight extend out over the knee, with your forearms facing upward. Bend forward, reach over with your free hand, and take hold of the elbow of the working arm to stabilize it. Bend your wrist and lower the weight as far as possible toward the floor, opening your fingers slightly to let the dumbbell roll down out of your palm. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Incline dumbbell presses



Purpose of exercise: To develop the upper pectoral muscles.
You can very the angle of the incline bench, the more upright the bench, the more you work the upper pecs.

Execution: Take dumbbell in each hand and back on an incline bench. (1) Clean the dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height, palms facing forward. (2) Lift them simultaneously straight up overhead, then lower them back to the starting position. As a       variation, you can begin with palms facing one another and twist as you lift so that the palms face forward at the top then twist them back to the starting position as you lower the dumbbells. You can vary the angle at which you tram from workout to workout, or from set tp set in the same workout. If you do the latter, being at a steep incline and work

Dumbbell flat bench presses

Purpose of exercise: To develop the mess and strength of the out pectoral muscles.
By using dumbbells rather then barbells, you can work the chest muscles through greater range of motion, an the need to balance and coordinate  two separate weights forces the muscles deal with new and unexpected resistance.  

Execution: (1) Lie on a flat bench knees bent, feet flat the bench. Take a dumbbell each hand and hold them straight up overhead. Turn dumbbells so that your pal faces forward. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

swimming exercise

Swimming is  a good exercise. Exercise for a lifetime swimming is the perfect exercise for lifetime fitness. No other activity provides so many health benefits with so few dangers. The older athlete is especially concerned about staying healthy. In today’s world, exercise is a lifestyle choice. The  reason some 75-years-old swimmers is such a technical sport . Proper stroke mechanics and  efficiency can compensate for  the superior strength  and endurance of youth.  This makes swimming the ideal sport for the older athlete who wants to enjoy the thrills of improvement in a physical activity. It is rally that swimming isn’t going to transform someone from the ‘old-old’ age group into to a teenager. But it can certainly help the 90-year-old live a fuller life. Their are some losses of physical capacity over which have no control .their are many more that readily respond to increased use by becoming stronger , more  resilient, and more youthful in function. we may have to make a few compromises along the way, but we must never capitulate. swimming is a  enjoyable exercise. So you can it easily .