Thursday, March 17, 2011


Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. It’s important that physical activity is a part of life for children, adults and other people. Regular physical activity increases your fitness level and capacity for exercise. Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Most adults need at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday. For exercise have many good instruments in market.
Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look on further then old –fashioned exercise. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed then more you were before you out. You will look better and feel better when you exercise regularly.  Physical exercise is considered important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight, building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles.

Healthy living and physical fitness are closely. Being physical fit not only helps people live healthy lives, it also helps live longer. People who make physical activity and exercise a part of their daily lives when they are young are more likely to keep it in their lives as they grow older and benefit from it throughout their life spans. Physical activity is defined as any movement that spends energy. Exercise is a subset of physical activity, but it is an activity that is structured and planned.


 We can free hands exercise. Its have many free hands exercise. We can do Breakdown, morning walk, swimming, play to football and running. We should be remembering that everyday exercise our body keeps fit and fresh keeps fit and fresh. Everyday a man should be done minimum one hour exercise.

Bokdwon:   Bokdown is a simple exercise but it makes body fit vary quickly. Everyday we can try minimum two handed Bokdwon. It will develops chats and arm marshals. It can do so essay. At fast lad down at the floor then take measurement of your two hands of finger and stats down or up. This exercise makes body power and strong.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Human body is like a machine.

Physical exercise is essential to keep human body fit and mind sound. Human body is like a machine. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Similarly we can not maintain good health and keep our body fit for work without physical exercise.
An off –quoted proverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is the key to success.
It needs no telling the importance’s of physical exercise. We build good health and sound mind through physical exercise. It makes our body active and the muscles strong.  It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brine. But we should remember that over exercise tells upon our health. We should take with an empty stomach is very injurious to health.

Jog bayam

                                                                       jog bayam is a good and importance exercise forms other exercise. It is old and aboriginal exercise. Jog bayam have many kinds of exercises. At the present times the human body so hard to keep a sound health. Because day by day overdose pollution is increasing. Specialties which are lives in town, they are not habits to walk at morning. They have no more time to physical exercise. So it is importance for that likes a man, who no more gats times for exercise. In this environment jog bayam usefulness very much not only Indians its demands all the world day by day are increasing. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Health is Wealth

Health means the sound condition of the body. It is really a wealth because mental peace is attached with the health.
a healthy man

Health brings happiness. A healthy man is a happy man in this world. He is cool and calculating. He is active.  So, he can do a lot of works cheerfully. He never feels tired in his work he likes. He can do any work he likes. He can eat and drink anything he likes. He has sound sleep and peace of mind. He is really happy and finds life charming. He can enjoy the world.
an unhealthy man
An unhealthy man is the most unhappy fellow. He may be rice but not happy. He is good for nothing. He finds no interest in life. He always feels uneasiness. He leads a miserable life. He can’t perform his duties properly. To him life is meaningless. he can’t enjoy happiness. He is really unhappy.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the movement of our limbs. It is the only means to be healthy. Physical exercise makes the body strong and keeps it fit for work. A man with a sound health can enjoy his life. So, all of us should take and proper physical exercise.

Physical exercise is necessary. Because, the mind and the body are interrelated. So goes a maxim, “A sound mined body”. A man with a sound health can undergo a hard labors at any moment. A man with an unsound health gets tried. He becomes inactive. Physical exercise is necessary for an essay movement of our limbs. Blood of the body gets well circulated by dint of exercise. So to enjoy a sound health, physical exercise is must.